Not Self-Made

‘Self-made’ is a term that gets thrown around a lot. It's a matter of prestige to say one had no help and they did everything themselves. It definitely makes for a compelling story.

Growing up, I absorbed these stories. There is honor in being self - made. It follows the classic story arc - lots of obstacles , protagonist nearly gives up and eventually rises from the ashes.

I wanted my own self-made story too, but when I reflect back on my life - it’s far from it. Now I'm not saying I'm very successful but I'm happy with the life I've made for myself so far.

I was fortunate enough to be born to parents that prioritised a good education and exposing me to different arts and sports. If not for them, I wouldn't have ended up in North America. My career breaks are all thanks to people taking a bet on me. My friends have been kind enough to stick around and listen to anything and everything I have to say (and call me out on stuff whenever needed)

Being in the right place and right time is the equivalent of winning the lottery. This doesn't take away from the fact that we still need to put the work in. Those are table stakes but many times the difference between 2 equally hard and smart workers is luck.

I’m sure there are some truly self-made people stories but I don't believe there's as many of them as the world makes it appear.

Everyone has their strengths, I believe mine are the people I'm surrounded with. So no I'm not self - made and unlikely that I will be for my future achievements. What's the point of achieving if you don't have people to celebrate it with?

Post 7/30